Sunday, November 25, 2007
MY way or the DIE-WAY!
THE DIE-WAY!!! this is my other solution: In order to save the world from the terrible fate that surely awaits it, we do absolutely NOTHING! we live exactly how we are living today and change nothing. Eventually we will greatly exceed our carrying-capacity and a VAST majority of us will perish, which will once again ballance out our population and make it like starting over. Something will shake out world and almost everyone will vanish accept for a couple thousand people like those darn lines you can never quite get rid of on an etch-a-sketch no matter how hard you shake it! It is then in the hands of these people...and God of rebuild the world.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
A Pledge!!

Most of us, when we look at this gigantic issue, we resign and say that nothing could be done. When we think about the slums in Bathinda (India) or any other part of the planet, its logical to say that how can we teach those people anything?, and how can we make them aware of this complex issue? In the past, I did the same myself, whenever I analyzed the problem of human population.
Now, when I look at my five year old daughter, and I see the dark-brown sky outside, and I read all the gloomy news about the destruction of our planet; I don't want to sit back and say that nothing could be done! I want to pledge to myself that I will do something! It could be a battle of one man, but I will fight!
I pledge! I have found a cause, for the rest of my life; this is the cause I will fight for. A few years ago I thought there was a book growing in me, now I think instead of shoving the idea of the book aside, I should go ahead and complete the book. The book on "the perils of human population explosion"!!
overpopulation to the maxxx
Some countries, such as China, have woken up to the issue of overpopulation and have restricted their citizens to having one child per couple. While this has been successful in part to preventing an estimated 400 million births, it was mostly a government forced effort. These people didn't only have one child to truly help the planet and prevent overpopulation, they had no other choice. While on the surface it seems to be working to reduce the future population of China, it is actually causing different problems that could become more severe then overpopulation. The ratio of boys to girls is becoming severely imbalanced, because boys are considered more valuable in the Chinese culture. The futures of these boys being able to find wives is growing slimmer and slimmer, which can eventually lead to a fast decline of population in the nation, and possibly an eventual collapse. Also, there have been reports of the wealthiest citizens of China having two, three, and four children, because they can simply AFFORD to pay the fines imposed on having multiple children. This shows a lack of care in the ultimate goal of slowing world population increase.
Do these people really simply just not care about the exploding population? Personally, I think its less of a "lack of care" and more of a "lack of knowledge" on the subject. Children, all around the world, need an increase in education. And not just in reading, writing, and arithmetic. I hear small children talk about what they want to be when they're older, when they want to be married, and how many children they want to have, and often, I hear little girls wanting anywhere between two and six children. If we started educating our youth in elementary school about the horrendous population problems now, the future generations could be actively controlling the population, VOLUNTARILY.
It is a hard task to spread this idea through the world, especially in areas that are in severe poverty, or areas where having many children is simply part of the culture. However, this is a global problem that needs to be addressed, and action MUST take place. I agree with the policies of educating the women and young girls, giving them the choice and teaching them to have respect for themselves as equals to men in deciding things about their own bodies, families, and lives. Many argue that the whole child policy and reducing the numbers of children people have is ruining the cultures of many countries, where having many children is expected, and almost required. I don't agree with this idea. I think the GLOBAL CULTURE should be looked at, and taken care of, otherwise there will be no cultures left because humans destroyed the world.
Education is key to helping relieve the population stress on the globe. While the planet is relatively large compared to most planets out there, we really shouldn't push the levels of population any further. Some people said to spread out to places less populated, but what does that do to the animals, plants, forests, and simply nature in general? Global warming will be at a rise, trees, rivers, grasslands, deserts and arctic tundra will be traded in for apartments, houses, office buildings, factories, roads and railroads. Is this what we want? This isn't what I want. I want the world to be beautiful and not covered inch to inch with people. I want to live comfortably and not have too many children, that way my quality of life isn't dragged down by a bunch of bratty little kids who care more about Barbie dolls and transformers then the world population anyway. I also think that adoption should be widely promoted, thus, children already on the planet can get a safe, clean, loving home to live in, and not shoved around more orphanages. To families that adopt children, they should get rewards in ways of financial aid and monetary incentives, seeing as people will do anything for money. We need to make a great effort to help those already on the planet, and not ADD more. Teenagers should not be having children. Education also plays a key element in this as well. Teenage girls should be respecting themselves, and know that they shouldn't be having babies, therefore, they shouldn't be doing things that could lead to babies.
Although I think it is a pompous attitude to have, I must admit that the United States is a great influence on the entire world, and we as a nation should really set the bar for the beginning of a population overhaul. Education at an early age about the problem and ways to solve it, adoption incentives, education about family planning, and making family planning and contraceptives available to everyone should be ways to start locally controlling the problem. And instead of invading other nations to force them to follow our ideas, we should approach other countries and share our tactics, and work together as a global community to solve this issue of global overpopulation.
Many say it cannot be done, it is simply a task too large to get the entire planet involved. What I say is this: if you want it bad enough, you'll find a way to do it.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Time for a poll:
Rukayat posted a thread earlier that I enjoyed. Here's an excerpt from my comment about that thread:
'And about this: "We cannot simply tell people they should limit how many children they have..."
Why not? Even if doing this would preserve human life on earth?
What's better:
1) millions* of starving babies
2) A few thousand* happy, affluent people?'
You can read her original post a little ways down from here. But anyway, let me know what you think. Should humans have rights for how many children they can have?
*Numbers are hypothetical to make a point (millions > thousands, numerically).
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Culprit
Coupled with the lack of vision to see beyond their immediate needs,another reason for over-producing the children is that after struggling the whole day for their living, such people can ill afford any means of entertainment to relax themselves. So they have no choice but to resort to the natural means available to them without worrying for the consequential birth of the children.
In my view, a person can exercise the birth control if he thinks logically, he can think logically once he is educated, he can be educated only once his basic needs are met and his basic needs can be met only only if he has adequate income. Therefore, there is an urgent need to ensure adequate income for everyone. This would need a concerted effort at global level and not only at the level of those nations which are currently facing this challenge, since it is not a threat to a particular region or a community but a threat to the mankind.
Monday, November 19, 2007
the syd solution
The Girl Child
Desire for the male child etc.
Poor people add male children to the family to increase earning hands!!! For others, having a male child is a sure ticket or visa to heaven!!! So they will produce a number of daughters while trying their luck or 'bad luck' for a male child.
Someone on this blog mentioned about being educated to plan a family. This is not just about education or economic status; there are as many educated, well placed and rich people as there are less privileged ones who desire for the male child. This is sort of a mental disease if I am allowed to put it this way. Even in this high-tech age, couples who have only daughters are asked this silly question many a times - "Do you have any children"? As if daughters are not children.
The mindset has to change.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A World of Problems
"Society has always seemed to demand a little more from human beings than it will get in practice." - George Orwell
- A mere 12 percent of the world’s population uses 85 percent of its water, and these 12 percent do not live in the Third World.
- Number of children in the world: 2.2 billion
Number in poverty: 1 billion (every second child) - 20% of the population in the developed nations, consume 86% of the world’s goods.
Do you see the problem yet? The world's developed nations, a mere minority, control most of the world's wealth, while the large number of developing countries are left with barely enough for some of their people to survive. If we can increase education in developing nations and the lives of many of its people, especially women, the world's population will decrease, as well as all of the problems with poverty. Also, if we could impliment family planning policies that only allow for 1 - 2 children (REGARDLESS OF GENDER), the world's population would heal itself.
In many developing countries, married couples still tend to the belief that a male child will equal success, while a daughter would be a shame. In many of these developing countries, we need to remove the ultrasound machines and outlaw abortion so that there will no longer be such a large gender imbalance. Those countries also need to crack down harder on illegal abortions so that no one will try to have an abortion.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Yea or Nay?
No person can reasonably argue that cigarettes or ice cream are exceptional for your health (especially the former); therefore, the current amount of money being spent on these items should be reduced greatly, perhaps even cut in half. Although this may cause discontentment among many smokers and ice cream fans alike, I am sure that the businesses (who would, at this time, be able to raise their prices due to the lesser amount of said products) would not complain, and a few hurt feelings are a small price to pay in exchange for healthier lungs, smaller waistlines, and even less pollution (due to the fact that less chemicals would be burned, either from cigarettes, or the matches/lighters used to light them).
All of the money saved by cutting this spending would, of course, be used to implement thorough and organized education in numerous developing countries, with the focuses ranging from simply basic literary skills for women, to family planning for both men and women. Furthermore, many (if not all) of the classes or programs used would be mandatory for the citizens of the developing countries, thereby ensuring that all the people are at least presented an opportunity and a means by which they can improve their own lives as well as the condition of their respective countries.
In addition, the United States loves to perpetuate an image of helping other countries (and their peoples), or that it is simply a good-natured, "Christian" nation. With this in mind, it is impossible to argue that acts of charity or simple kindness to others is not appropriate in any way. Sure, one can assert that it is not necessary to help others economically, but unless one is willing to delve into arguments of sub-conscious greed and self-satisfaction (which I sure as hell won't go into at this time), there is no plausible argument against charity. Also, if the United States is comfortable acting as a police force for the world, supposedly aiming to grant "freedom" to people of oppressed nations, then it should have no trouble seeing the present need for its intervention in countries where inhabitants lack freedom from fear or freedom from hunger (which the United States did advocate as a necessary freedom during WWII), and where inhabitants are oppressed by either social systems that disable women from improving their status, or by rampant diseases (HIV/AIDS).
Therefore, if a portion of our already-mandatory income taxes was to be utilized in providing education to people in developing countries, then with merely several years, a change would be seen, especially if said education was offered to the women of the countries in need. This "portion" of our taxes could simply come from the large amount being spent on military matters currently, as it is indeed the $780 billion used for military that dominates the world's overall spending, which is most definitely in stark contrast to a mere $6 billion in basic education across the world.
Also, let's face it: this would save everyday middle-class Americans the trouble of filling out any paperwork to donate to various charities -- our government would be doing it for us! Since it would be mandatory, one can expect that within several years, the citizens of the U.S. would accept it as part of their responsibilities (despite it in essence being forced kindness), and any dissenters would be dealt with just as the U.S. deals with dissenters today: IRS agents.
(and thank you, John, for that useful page on
Is there anything we can really do?
There is little that can be done.
Most people do not want to get married until their late 20's. To help keep population down we should have the one family one child law in the countries that are over populated to encourage them to have less children. When it comes to the earths resources everybody is pushing it off and letting the people who it really affect to deal with it. We should filter out the bad and stop polluting our environment. It will probably be years before people want to change how we do everything. People are now just starting to buy hybrid or gas efficient cars. When they first came out nobody wanted to change what they were driving until gas prices skyrocketed.
Saving the World?
And for population growth??! The world seems to be growing like mad! However, there might be an opportunity for improvement. With more developing countries receiving access to education and family planning programs, more women will use contraceptives, thus helping the population growth be a little more sustainable. With more employment opportunities for women, they are more likely to focus on work outside of the home, and not have as many kids as before. This, in the long run could bring about some stability in the human population, but it could take years. China has already realized that they have a population almost too large to handle, and has put a limit on the number of kids a family can have. However, if we were to attempt this in other nations... people would protest and riot.. and it would cause more chaos.
And, it would be beneficial if we look at what we actually NEED and try not to be so excessively wasteful with our limited resources. Paying more attention to our economic footprint and trying to reduce this won't necessarily 'bring back' some resources.. but will definitely help to preserve them so we can use in moderation. I honestly believe that at the rate we are headed, there isn't much hope. However, if we can provide more education, worldwide, about the enormity of these problems, we can hope for the better.

Thursday, November 15, 2007
The sad truth...
But do we have enough time?
Overall, I think that, if humanity was given enough time to correct the problem, the population explosion would correct itself. That's not to say we shouldn't be doing all we can to resolve the problem now through education, employment opportunities for women, missionary trips, etc. But humanity has overcome two world wars, the bubonic plague, the Great Depression, and so much more. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and you should always learn from your mistakes. However, in our case, there may not be time to learn from this mistake because the problem is so enormous to begin with.
If a fire was approaching a village, and only those on a hill high above the village saw the fire, they would act immediately to save their homes, even if they were the only ones doing so. Eventually though, those in the very heart of the town would see the fire too, but by then it would most likely be too late. I think the same thing has happened to us. If we were given the time, ability, and resources to change, global population growth would decrease. However, this planet is running out of natural and nonrenewable resources. No environment can support infinite population growth and expansion, and Earth is no exception. There is no way to know for sure what the outcome of such a situation would be because one has not happened yet. There is no way of knowing whether the problem would fix itself or we would all die from the exhaustion of Earth's natural resources. The only sure way to know the exact end result is to live through it and watch it happen firsthand....
What is the fix?
Personal Observations about China
Traveling through China this summer, I noticed great discrepancies in wealth, education, resource consumption, living standards, etc. The poor have almost nothing while the rich live extremely lavishly. Many of the poor beg or sell trinkets/harass tourists to try to make a living. Women have such limited freedom compared to men that they are left without the tools they need to improve the lives of themselves and their children. Pollution is a terrible problem, especially since so many people live on the streets. (We saw several families sleeping on the rooftops of buildings that were scheduled to be demolished.) Most Chinese people don't even have access to public restrooms, or at least anything that we would believe would resemble a restroom. Instead, they just have holes in the ground that serve as bathroom facilities. The water is green, the press is censored, and people cannot own property (they have to lease it from the government for 99 years - and its expensive!).
Those are just a few comments from my experience, but it looks like we're going to need a lot more family planning, education, and campaigns to raise public awareness of the problem in order to avoid catastrophe.
Who knows, maybe Poseidon can save us...just a thought.
With all my love and affection,
James Creech
P.S. Global spending on education: $6 billion.
Global spending on reproductive health for all women: $12 billion.
The look on Dr. Singh's face when he found out he had Student X in class again this year: Priceless.
All This Talk About Population
*A few statistics.
My favorite highlight:
Global spending on education: $6 billion.
Global spending on reproductive health for all women: $12 billion.
Global spending on narcotics drugs in the world: $400 billion.
Spend some time on this website. I found it worth my time.
A lot of it is economics jumble, but some of it jumps out at you.
how to save the planet
or... we could just unleash a super virus like mission impossible 2 or tom clancy's rainbow 6
One Planet. 6 Billion People.
We ArE kIlLiNg ThE pLaNeT
Humans ingnore the fact that were harming our own evironment!!!
So what's the deal with this population growth??
Piercing Eyes!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Move them!
The Power of Prayer
Eh, I think we are all doomed!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Daniel knows how to save the world.
A Perfect Solution
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Ignored Horror