Most of us, when we look at this gigantic issue, we resign and say that nothing could be done. When we think about the slums in Bathinda (India) or any other part of the planet, its logical to say that how can we teach those people anything?, and how can we make them aware of this complex issue? In the past, I did the same myself, whenever I analyzed the problem of human population.
Now, when I look at my five year old daughter, and I see the dark-brown sky outside, and I read all the gloomy news about the destruction of our planet; I don't want to sit back and say that nothing could be done! I want to pledge to myself that I will do something! It could be a battle of one man, but I will fight!
I pledge! I have found a cause, for the rest of my life; this is the cause I will fight for. A few years ago I thought there was a book growing in me, now I think instead of shoving the idea of the book aside, I should go ahead and complete the book. The book on "the perils of human population explosion"!!
You GO Dr. Singh!!!
I support your cause!!!
I appreciate your resolve and determination to fight this global battle single handedly. Don't you worry - it shall not be a one man fight. People across the world are already aware of this gigantic problem but possibly waiting for a pragmatic solution which is yet to come up.
This battle will have to be fought at various fronts. Firstly - to make everyone aware of the impending danger of the mass destruction of the mankind due to population explosion - the efforts for which you have already started. Secondly - it is for everyone to understand and be convinced rather than being forced to adopt the small family norms.Thirdly - though it is only my wish that can the developed and thinly populated nations be bigger hearted so as to allow uniform sharing of space and resources by all on this earth.
Thanks Arun!! All these ideas have to be considered. The problem of this magnitude will require that the developed countries do the needful, instead of just blaming the developing nations.
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