Thursday, November 15, 2007

*A few statistics.

I found this site on google.

My favorite highlight:

Global spending on education: $6 billion.
Global spending on reproductive health for all women: $12 billion.
Global spending on narcotics drugs in the world: $400 billion.

Spend some time on this website. I found it worth my time.

A lot of it is economics jumble, but some of it jumps out at you.



Navdeep Singh said...

Thanks John,

I am going to include this site on my web page. Some of the things are scary. Thanks for sharing with us!!

Paige!! said...

I just looked over this site in more detail than when Dr. Singh had it up for a few minutes in 2nd, and I'm truly shocked. I think it finally hit me how people who aren't in these states of poverty are so much more materialistic and self-absorbed than realized. Honestly, very scary stuff.

kudos to you!