Sunday, November 25, 2007

MY way or the DIE-WAY!

As alluded to by my title, there are two possible solutions to saving this planet. There is way number one (MY-WAY) and way number two, the (DIE-WAY). I see it like this: we all have the power to make complex decisions in our lives, and once made, those complex decisions have the capability of either destroying or strengthening us as a person, but ultimately as an entire world population. Now a complex decision does not necessarily mean something thats difficult to choose, rather something simple thats chosen for a very well-thought and planned purpose. For example, I may make the "complex decision" to only produce one child once i have married and am ready for children. It's a simple choice to make, but the greater idea behind it (reducing the population) is what makes it a complex decision or idea. MY-WAY is that everyone follows the same sort of "pledge" that Dr. Singh was talking about. If the educated people of the world made the simple decisions in life like to reduce the number of children they had originaly planed on having, or to do one thing everyday (no matter how small) to help clean the enviornment, weather it's picking up trash at school, or recycling your soad cans at home, we can begin to possibly reshape the world. It would take dedication, and a vast understanding of the greater picture until before we know it, all the complex decisions we'd been making all add together to strengthen the world by reducing its poputaltion or pollution, or whatever it is the complex decisions were foucused on helping. (in this case hopefully Population.) It seems like many of the decisions people are making end up as a detriment to the poputlation rather than a benifit. if we could change those decisions as a nation to be positive, we could possibly change the outcome of the world's population........this sounded smart when i was writting it sounds dumb.
THE DIE-WAY!!! this is my other solution: In order to save the world from the terrible fate that surely awaits it, we do absolutely NOTHING! we live exactly how we are living today and change nothing. Eventually we will greatly exceed our carrying-capacity and a VAST majority of us will perish, which will once again ballance out our population and make it like starting over. Something will shake out world and almost everyone will vanish accept for a couple thousand people like those darn lines you can never quite get rid of on an etch-a-sketch no matter how hard you shake it! It is then in the hands of these people...and God of rebuild the world.

1 comment:

Navdeep Singh said...


On our planet there are many species which grow exponentially during some years and then their popluation crashes. This exponential growth and crash has a little effect on the ecosystem's abiotic factors. In our case if we let the human population grow exponentially and then crash; we will consume and destroy most of the healthy ecosystems on this planet. It is not that our population is growing fast; we are taking the elements form the Earth and turning them into polymers that do not biodegrade (plastic) and many more. After we die on this planet, it will be littered with human junk fit for no living ecosystem.

There was a movie called "Matrix". One of the villains in the movie says,"You humans are like viruses, and you consume and destroy everything".