Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Population growth

Population growth has always been increasing, but lately the growth has become outrageous. Our planet population is roughly 6 billion. Scientist have estimated that between 2006-2050, over 6.6 to 8.9 billion people will be added to our planet. Much of the growing population comes from developing countries. Population growth is growing from 0.1% in developed countries to 1.5% in developing countries. This may seem like a small amount to some people ,but this little percentages will keep on adding up. Much have this has been because of the medicine we now have to increase the life span of humans, or dating back to history when the baby boomers were born Scientist have concluded that if a women would have 1.5 children in her lifetime then we could possibly dwindle down the population increase. I think that would help, but our planet has to do a lot more than that. We need to educate everyone, in both developing and developed countries, on how our planet can not withstand much more of increasing high population. We also must make sure governments have a family plan. If we do complete these tasks it will not get our population under control in 5 years, but maybe over the next few decades it will help lower the increasing rate of population growth.

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