Sunday, December 16, 2007


Population has shockingly increased in the past few decades and that is due to the massive birth rates in some of the countries in the world. Some countries have an average of 5-9 kids living in their families and others have probably 2-3 kids in each family. Countries where the majority have 5-9 children really boosts the amount of people that are living in our country and i think that it could be terrible for the world in the future. Alot of resources could be used up with the greater population and the Earth could run out. Of course we could find substitutes to help make up for resources but if we dont than we might not be doing so well. If you think about it than greater population could lead to greater problems.
Really...there is nothing that we can do to brign down population besides telling people to not have so many kids. Researchers have found that alot of families in the United States and countries similar have a much lower birth rate than a third world country like Somolia or other African countries. A way that could decrease or limit the population to how it already is, is by telling people to only have a limited number of children. I dont believe that alot of them will listen, but some of them might just choose to. In a country like China or something, i think that they are limited to only one child because some of the families are trying to succeed in giving birth to a boy, which could, and might just take seven children to do so. I dont know why they feel like they have to have a boy, i think its personally kinda dumb because it uses alot of money and other things to take care of a child. I have heard of a few other ways to take care of human population, but i dont even think that they might work.

1 comment:

Navdeep Singh said...

In China, just like India, a boys carries the family nmae. Without a boy a family name dies, in other words a family dies.