Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Move them!

I think it is so sad that there is such an imbalance on Earth. In the video we watched, we saw that places in Japan are just as under-populated as India is over-populated. I wish there was some way to move these people from one country to another without being insensitive to their cultures and the lives they have already established. (If only Japan would accept immigrants!) I really wish this idea could be possible, because I have seen so much open space that should be used instead of living 10 people in one small house. I used to live in North Dakota where the population in my town was only 500. Now, if some people in New York and California could pack up and take up all of that space, wouldnt that be helpful! Of course I agree that the world is too over-populated and that we will eventually use up all of its resources, but I have a little hope left because I know what real blue skies and un-polluted lakes look like. We should start using some of the untapped resource in the Midwest and places like it around the world instead of running other resources dry and piling people on top of each other into space that we dont have. Too bad I realize that this is insanely unrealistic =/


Navdeep Singh said...

Moving people from the Third World to the Developed countries may seem like a good idea but it is complex. I think the ultimate solution to this problem is if we dissolve all boundaries and have only one World (one big nation). That will solve all the Poverty issues. That is the only way we can try to address this issue in a real sense.

emilyalyn said...

I think that one of the solutions we have is education. We need to educate developing countries in a way that they would truly understand. Simply saying that they are overpopulating the world is not enough. They need details and examples, and then hopefully that will start a change. There is also no quick fix. It seems that you can never educate someone soon enough because at a young age they are already copying whatever is around them. So the dilema is will people ever really know enough to stop the problem? Probably not, but if we don't try, we will never know.

John Watson said...

Uniting the world would be fantastic! *says the kid in the capitalistic society*

Ok, helping everyone in the world would be rad. But that would take a lot of time and effort; time and effort people aren't really willing to spend.

If you want a solution, you need to take it directly to the people. And right now the people just don't care enough.

I honestly think we're going to have to learn about this the hard way. I also think that's not going to happen in our lifetime.


Navdeep Singh said...

If most of the people on this planet are classified as illiterate, of course they do not care. The ones which are literate are no less than illeterate either!
Are you saying John that we will learn when we will be jumping off the cliff or hitting the rocky bolders under, like Lemmings? I am sorry to say that my friend but that time may not be far!!!!

Berlyn said...

by simply being literate doesn't seem to be helping much either. it depends on what exactly people want to learn because they won't learn what they don't care about, it's more of ignorance than illiteracy.

Rukayat said...

I think this would be a great solution too because there are a lot of places on our earth that are underpopulated. I do not understand why we cannot just try and transport those in the overpopulated areas (who are willing) into the underpopulated ares. This would elevate the tension that the over populated areas are experiencing and give the earth a longer life span because the population would be spread out over areas instead of clumped and overpopulated into certain areas .
