Sunday, November 18, 2007

A World of Problems

"Society has always seemed to demand a little more from human beings than it will get in practice." - George Orwell

We are currently living in a world riddled with many problems. Thanks to the site on John's blog, here are some of the problems we are living with today:
  • A mere 12 percent of the world’s population uses 85 percent of its water, and these 12 percent do not live in the Third World.
  • Number of children in the world: 2.2 billion
    Number in poverty: 1 billion (every second child)
  • 20% of the population in the developed nations, consume 86% of the world’s goods.

Do you see the problem yet? The world's developed nations, a mere minority, control most of the world's wealth, while the large number of developing countries are left with barely enough for some of their people to survive. If we can increase education in developing nations and the lives of many of its people, especially women, the world's population will decrease, as well as all of the problems with poverty. Also, if we could impliment family planning policies that only allow for 1 - 2 children (REGARDLESS OF GENDER), the world's population would heal itself.

In many developing countries, married couples still tend to the belief that a male child will equal success, while a daughter would be a shame. In many of these developing countries, we need to remove the ultrasound machines and outlaw abortion so that there will no longer be such a large gender imbalance. Those countries also need to crack down harder on illegal abortions so that no one will try to have an abortion.


Navdeep Singh said...

I love your healing comment. The passing of any kind of law for family size is impossible in a democratic country. The only way a law like tht can pass if everyone on this planet could understand the severity of this problem. People living in the slums of the third World are just struggling for the next meal, how can they comprehend the complex issues that require logic and foresight!!

Nice post!!

John Watson said...

Props on the George Orwell.

Great statistics.

You address the way to control poulation well also.

But in my opinion, with the way you propose to solve the "pop-prob" as some would call it (it's my attempt at newspeak), we still would destroy the planet without some kind of unified government body.
